This is one of my personal essays when applying to colleges.

Once upon a time, in the majestic island far far away, there was a little mermaid living in the abyss of the ocean. Like other creatures of the Fey, she was born as the preparation to steal people’s souls. Her luminescent skin and swirling white hair like waves could bind humans’ hearts. Her spelled songs could linger people in the chamber of the sea and lure them underwater.

However, unfortunately, and ironically, she was different from other sirens.

She did fell in love - with humanity.

But, as angels fell, the siren fell too.

Her world became upside down when she sacrificed her pale tail for legs. For her adoration of mankind, she was caught in fishing nets one time too many. In these nets, she has learned too many adverse things about human intentions and the lack of trust nor goodwill.

She violated the rule of mermaids, so she was cursed to lose her voices forever.

The Ocean asked her to rebound and turn her back on humans for regaining her vocalization. But she had drowned intensely in the miracle of people. She couldn’t revert to the Ocean anymore. In the silence, her tears were fallen to the marine hearts, and the Ocean became saltier than ever with the loss and grief.

Lamentably for her, other kelpies had risen up and sung a riddle song:

“Across the Pacific Ocean, in the northeastern of the new land, you can find Themyscira in legend. In this palace, you will discover the secret empowerment to unveil your lost voice and even make it reverberated powerfully. But please remember, after four years, if you could still not make your voice echoed and change this cruel world, your throat would be faded into dust eternally.”

And then, the journey of a little naiad began.